1. Introduction to the text
Korea has a rich literary tradition spanning centuries, with poetry being one of the most celebrated and influential forms. Korean poetry has evolved through various eras, reflecting the cultural and historical experiences of the nation. This reading material delves into the lasting influence of Korean poetry, exploring its unique characteristics, themes, and its role in shaping the Korean identity.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
si poem
시인 siин poet
한시 hansi classical Chinese poetry
고려가요 goryeogayo Goryeo dynasty songs
시조 sijo traditional Korean poetic form
가사 gasa lyrical poetry
민족의식 minjogeuisik national consciousness
정서 jeongсео sentiment
전통 jeontong tradition
현대시 hyeondaesi modern poetry

3. The main text in both Korean and English

한국 시는 오랜 역사를 지니고 있으며, 한국 문화와 정신을 반영하는 중요한 역할을 해왔습니다.
Korean poetry has a long history and has played a crucial role in reflecting Korean culture and spirit.

고대에는 한시가 지배적이었지만, 고려 시대에 이르러 고유한 시가 형식인 고려가요가 발달했습니다.
In ancient times, classical Chinese poetry (hansi) was dominant, but during the Goryeo Dynasty, the unique poetic form of Goryeo songs (goryeogayo) emerged.

조선 시대에는 시조와 가사 등 한국 고유의 시가 형식이 절정기를 맞이했습니다.
During the Joseon Dynasty, traditional Korean poetic forms like sijo and gasa reached their peak.

이러한 전통 시가는 한국인의 정서와 사상을 반영하며, 민족의식을 고취시키는 데 큰 역할을 했습니다.
These traditional poetic forms reflected the sentiments and thoughts of Koreans, playing a significant role in fostering national consciousness.

현대에 이르러서는 서구 문학의 영향을 받아 새로운 형식의 시가 등장했지만, 전통 시가의 영향은 여전히 남아 있습니다.
In modern times, influenced by Western literature, new forms of poetry emerged, but the influence of traditional poetry remains.

현대 시인들은 한국 시의 전통을 계승하면서도 새로운 시대정신을 반영하고 있습니다.
Modern poets continue the tradition of Korean poetry while reflecting the spirit of the new era.

4. Reading comprehension questions

1. What was the dominant form of poetry in ancient Korea, and what unique poetic form emerged during the Goryeo Dynasty?
2. During which dynasty did traditional Korean poetic forms like sijo and gasa reach their peak?
3. How did traditional Korean poetry reflect the sentiments and thoughts of Koreans, and what role did it play in fostering national consciousness?
4. Despite the influence of Western literature in modern times, what aspect of traditional Korean poetry remains?
5. How do modern Korean poets approach the tradition of Korean poetry while reflecting the spirit of the new era?

5. Cultural and historical notes
Korean poetry has been deeply intertwined with the nation’s cultural and historical experiences. Ancient Korean poetry was heavily influenced by Chinese literary traditions, but over time, unique Korean poetic forms emerged, reflecting the nation’s distinct identity and cultural values.