1. Introduction to the text
Hanok, the traditional Korean architectural style, is a quintessential representation of Korea’s rich cultural heritage. Deeply rooted in the principles of harmony with nature and Confucian philosophy, Hanok houses have stood as symbols of Korean identity for centuries. This reading material delves into the unique features, historical significance, and enduring legacy of this remarkable architectural marvel.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
한옥 Hanok Traditional Korean house
기와 Giwa Traditional Korean roof tiles
대청마루 Daecheongmaru Main wooden floor area
부엌 Bueok Kitchen
온돌 Ondol Underfloor heating system
창호지 Changhoji Traditional Korean paper windows
익공식 Ikgongsik Bracket system for roof support
궁궐 Gunggyeol Royal palace
전통 Jeontong Tradition
자연친화적 Jayeonchinhwajok Nature-friendly

3. The main text in both Korean and English

한옥은 조선시대에 발달한 전통적인 한국 주거 양식입니다.
Hanok is the traditional Korean residential architectural style that flourished during the Joseon Dynasty.

한옥은 자연과의 조화를 중시하는 동양 철학의 영향을 받았습니다.
Hanok was influenced by Eastern philosophy, emphasizing harmony with nature.

한옥의 가장 두드러진 특징은 기와로 덮인 곡선형 지붕과 대청마루입니다.
One of the most striking features of Hanok is the curved tiled roof and the main wooden floor area called Daecheongmaru.

부엌은 건물의 북쪽에 위치하며, 온돌 난방 시스템이 설치되어 있습니다.
The kitchen is typically located on the northern side of the building, and Hanok houses feature an underfloor heating system called Ondol.

창호지로 만든 종이 창문은 자연광을 실내로 부드럽게 유입시킵니다.
The traditional Korean paper windows, called Changhoji, allow natural light to gently filter into the interior.

익공식은 한옥 지붕을 지탱하는 고유한 구조 시스템입니다.
The Ikgongsik is a unique bracket system that supports the roof structure in Hanok architecture.

한옥은 궁궐, 민가, 사찰 등 다양한 용도로 사용되었습니다.
Hanok structures were used for various purposes, including royal palaces, commoners’ residences, and Buddhist temples.

전통 한옥은 자연친화적이며 한국인의 삶의 방식과 철학을 반영합니다.
Traditional Hanok architecture is nature-friendly and reflects the Korean way of life and philosophy.

한옥의 설계와 건축 기술은 세대를 거쳐 전승되어 왔습니다.
The design and construction techniques of Hanok have been passed down through generations.

현대 한국에서도 한옥은 문화유산으로 존중받고 있으며, 새로운 방식으로 재해석되고 있습니다.
In modern Korea, Hanok is respected as a cultural heritage and is being reinterpreted in new ways.

4. Reading comprehension questions

1. 한옥의 가장 두드러진 특징은 무엇입니까?
What is one of the most striking features of Hanok?

2. 익공식은 한옥 건축에서 어떤 역할을 합니까?
What is the role of the Ikgongsik in Hanok architecture?

3. 한옥은 어떤 철학적 영향을 받았습니까?
What philosophical influence did Hanok architecture receive?

4. 한옥의 전통적인 창문 재료는 무엇입니까?
What is the traditional material used for windows in Hanok?

5. 현대 한국에서 한옥은 어떤 방식으로 재해석되고 있습니까?
How is Hanok being reinterpreted in modern Korea?

5. Cultural and historical notes
Hanok architecture is deeply rooted in Korean cultural traditions and reflects the harmonious relationship between humans and nature, a central tenet of Eastern philosophy. The design principles of Hanok, such as the use of natural materials, the incorporation of courtyards, and the integration of heating systems like Ondol, have been shaped by Korea’s climate and geography.