1. Introduction to the text
The candlelight protests, also known as the Candlelight Revolution, were a series of massive demonstrations that took place in South Korea in 2016-2017. These protests played a pivotal role in the country’s political landscape, ultimately leading to the impeachment of then-President Park Geun-hye. This text explores the background, events, and impact of these protests, providing insights into South Korea’s democratic values and political dynamics.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
촛불집회 chchulbul jiphoe Candlelight protest
탄핵 tanheng Impeachment
부정부패 bujeongbupae Corruption
민주주의 minjujuui Democracy
시민운동 simingundong Civil movement
평화로운 pyeonghwaroun Peaceful
권력남용 gwonryoknaamyong Abuse of power
국정농단 gungjeong-nongdan National crisis
시위대 siwidae Protesters
정권교체 jeonggweon-gyoche Change of government

3. The main text in both Korean and English
2016년 말, 박근혜 전 대통령의 국정농단 사건이 터지면서 전국적인 촛불집회가 시작되었다.
In late 2016, nationwide candlelight protests began in response to the national crisis involving former President Park Geun-hye’s abuse of power.

시민들은 평화로운 시위를 통해 부정부패에 반대하고 민주주의를 수호하고자 했다.
Citizens aimed to protest peacefully against corruption and defend democracy.

수백만 명의 시위대가 거리로 나와 박근혜 전 대통령의 탄핵과 정권교체를 요구했다.
Millions of protesters took to the streets, demanding Park’s impeachment and a change of government.

이 시민운동은 한국 민주주의의 성숙함을 보여주었고, 평화로운 방식으로 정권을 교체할 수 있음을 증명했다.
This civil movement showcased the maturity of South Korean democracy and proved that a peaceful transition of power was possible.

촛불집회는 한국 국민들의 민주적 가치와 권리에 대한 열정을 반영했다.
The candlelight protests reflected the Korean people’s passion for democratic values and rights.

4. Reading comprehension questions
1) What was the main reason behind the candlelight protests in South Korea?
2) How did the protesters express their demands?
3) What was the significance of these protests for South Korean democracy?
4) How did the protests impact the political landscape in South Korea?
5) What did the candlelight protests represent for the Korean people?

5. Cultural and historical notes
The candlelight protests were a significant event in South Korea’s modern history, reflecting the country’s commitment to democratic values and its people’s determination to hold their leaders accountable. These protests were notable for their peaceful nature, with millions of citizens gathering in public spaces to voice their concerns without resorting to violence.