1. Introduction to the text
The Dano Festival, also known as the Suritnalmalmuri or Surindalmalmuri, is a traditional Korean festival celebrating the arrival of summer and the bounty of nature. With roots dating back to ancient agrarian societies, this festival holds great significance in Korean culture and is deeply intertwined with the country’s agricultural heritage. It is a time for expressing gratitude for the year’s crops and praying for abundant harvests in the coming seasons.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
단오 Dano The Dano Festival
수리날 Surinal The first day of the fifth month in the lunar calendar
망종 Mangjong The day of the brightest full moon of the year
풍년 Pungnyon Abundant harvest
제례 Jerye Ritual ceremony
무구 Mugu Shaman ritual
창포물머리 Changpomulmuri A traditional game played during Dano
사주팥떡 Sajuppatttok Rice cakes with red bean filling
수리취떡 Surichuddok Rice cakes wrapped in nuriwon leaves
그네뛰기 Geunentwigi Swing riding

3. The main text in both Korean and English

단오는 한국의 대표적인 민속 명절로, 매년 음력 5월 5일에 열린다.
The Dano Festival is a representative Korean folk celebration, held annually on the 5th day of the 5th month in the lunar calendar.

이 날은 망종이라고도 불리며, 일 년 중 가장 큰 보름달이 뜨는 날이다.
This day is also known as Mangjong, the day of the brightest full moon of the year.

단오는 농경 사회에서 유래한 풍년 기원 축제로, 농민들은 이날 제례와 무구를 통해 풍작과 안전을 기원했다.
Originating from agrarian societies, Dano is a festival celebrating the hope for an abundant harvest, where farmers performed rituals and shaman ceremonies to pray for bountiful crops and safety.

전통적으로 단오 날에는 창포물머리, 사주팥떡, 수리취떡 등의 전통 음식을 만들어 먹는다.
Traditionally, on Dano, people prepare and consume various traditional foods such as Changpomulmuri (a game played with nuriwon leaves), Sajuppatttok (rice cakes with red bean filling), and Surichuddok (rice cakes wrapped in nuriwon leaves).

또한 그네뛰기와 같은 민속 놀이를 즐기며, 마을 사람들이 모여 축제 분위기를 내기도 한다.
People also enjoy folk games like swing riding and gather in villages to create a festive atmosphere.

4. Reading comprehension questions

1. What is the significance of the Dano Festival in Korean culture?
2. Explain the term “Mangjong” and its connection to the Dano Festival.
3. What are some traditional foods and activities associated with the Dano Festival?
4. From where did the Dano Festival originate, and what was its original purpose?
5. How has the Dano Festival evolved over time, and what is its current relevance in Korean society?

5. Cultural and historical notes
The Dano Festival has its roots in ancient agrarian societies, where farmers celebrated the arrival of summer and prayed for bountiful harvests. The festival’s name, “Dano,” is derived from the Korean phrase “danojnal,” which means “the beginning of the summer.”