1. Introduction to the text
The Candlelight Protests, also known as the “Candlelight Revolution,” were a series of massive, peaceful demonstrations that took place in South Korea in 2016-2017. These protests played a pivotal role in the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye and highlighted the power of citizen activism in Korean politics. The protests arose from a corruption scandal involving the president and her confidante, Choi Soon-sil, and grew into a broader movement demanding transparency, democracy, and accountability in government.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
촛불집회 chchulbul-jiphoe Candlelight protest
탄핵 tanhek Impeachment
부정부패 bujeong-bubae Corruption
시민운동 siminundong Citizen movement
민주주의 minjujuui Democracy
평화적 pyeonghwajeok Peaceful
권력남용 gwonryoknammong Abuse of power
헌법재판소 heonbeopjaepanso Constitutional Court
촛불혁명 chchulbulhyeongmyeong Candlelight Revolution
시민의식 siminguisik Civic consciousness

3. The main text in both Korean and English

2016년 10월, 박근혜 전 대통령과 그의 측근 최순실 간의 부정부패 스캔들이 드러났습니다.
In October 2016, a corruption scandal involving former President Park Geun-hye and her confidante Choi Soon-sil was revealed.

이 사건은 국민들의 분노를 촉발시켰고, 서울의 광화문 광장을 중심으로 대규모 촛불집회가 시작되었습니다.
This incident sparked public outrage, leading to massive candlelight protests centered around Gwanghwamun Square in Seoul.

평화적인 시위에도 불구하고, 수백만 명의 시민들이 거리로 나와 박근혜 대통령의 탄핵과 개혁을 요구했습니다.
Despite their peaceful nature, millions of citizens took to the streets, demanding Park’s impeachment and reforms.

2017년 3월, 헌법재판소는 박근혜 전 대통령의 탄핵을 최종 결정했습니다.
In March 2017, the Constitutional Court finalized Park’s impeachment.

촛불집회는 단순한 반대 시위 그 이상의 의미를 지녔습니다. 이는 시민들의 민주주의에 대한 열망과 권력 남용에 대한 거부를 보여주었습니다.
The candlelight protests were more than just opposition rallies. They showcased the public’s yearning for democracy and rejection of abuse of power.

이 운동은 한국 정치에 새로운 시민의식을 불어넣었고, 정부의 투명성과 책임성을 요구하는 계기가 되었습니다.
The movement instilled a new civic consciousness in Korean politics, demanding transparency and accountability from the government.

4. Reading comprehension questions

1) 촛불집회가 시작된 주요 원인은 무엇이었습니까?
What was the main cause that sparked the candlelight protests?

2) 촛불집회는 어떤 방식으로 진행되었습니까?
How were the candlelight protests conducted?

3) 촛불집회의 결과로 어떤 중요한 정치적 변화가 있었습니까?
What significant political change resulted from the candlelight protests?

4) 이 운동이 한국 사회에 미친 영향은 무엇입니까?
What impact did this movement have on Korean society?

5) 촛불집회가 한국의 민주주의와 시민의식에 어떤 역할을 했다고 볼 수 있습니까?
How did the candlelight protests contribute to democracy and civic consciousness in Korea?

5. Cultural and historical notes
The Candlelight Protests were a significant moment in South Korea’s modern history, reflecting the nation’s strong democratic values and the power of peaceful citizen activism. These protests were unique in their scale, with millions of Koreans from all walks of life participating, and their peaceful nature, as they remained largely non-violent throughout.