1. Introduction to the text
Poetry has held a revered place in Korean literature for centuries. It has served as a powerful medium for expressing emotions, capturing the essence of nature, and reflecting on the human condition. Korean poetry has its roots in ancient traditions and has evolved over time, reflecting the changing sociopolitical landscape and cultural influences. Its significance lies in its ability to transcend time and connect readers with the depths of human experience.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
si poem
시인 siIn poet
운율 unYul rhythm
이미지 imiJi imagery
상징 sangJing symbol
정서 jeongSeo sentiment
전통 jeonTong tradition
현대 hyeonDae modern
영향 yeongHyang influence
표현 pyoHyeon expression

3. The main text in both Korean and English
한국 시의 역사는 오랜 전통을 지니고 있습니다.
The history of Korean poetry has a long tradition.

고대부터 시인들은 자연과 인생의 아름다움을 노래해 왔습니다.
Since ancient times, poets have sung about the beauty of nature and life.

시조, 가사, 고시 등 다양한 형식의 시가 존재했으며, 각각 독특한 운율과 이미지를 담고 있었습니다.
Various forms of poetry existed, such as sijo, gasa, and gosi, each with its unique rhythm and imagery.

시는 단순한 언어의 나열이 아니라 상징과 은유를 통해 깊은 정서를 표현했습니다.
Poetry was not just a sequence of words but a way to express deep sentiments through symbols and metaphors.

조선시대에는 한시(漢詩)의 영향으로 고전적인 시풍이 발달했습니다.
During the Joseon Dynasty, classical poetic styles developed under the influence of Chinese poetry (hansi).

근대에 들어서면서 시는 새로운 변화를 맞이하게 되었습니다.
With the advent of modern times, poetry underwent significant changes.

서구 문학의 영향을 받아 자유시와 같은 새로운 형식이 등장했습니다.
Influenced by Western literature, new forms like free verse emerged.

현대 시인들은 전통적인 시적 기법과 현대적인 감수성을 결합하여 독창적인 작품을 선보였습니다.
Contemporary poets combined traditional poetic techniques with modern sensibilities to create unique works.

시는 한국인의 삶과 정서를 반영하는 중요한 문화유산이 되었습니다.
Poetry became an important cultural heritage, reflecting the lives and sentiments of Koreans.

오늘날에도 시는 여전히 사랑받고 있으며, 독자들에게 영감과 위로를 주고 있습니다.
Even today, poetry continues to be beloved, inspiring and comforting readers.

4. Reading comprehension questions
1. 한국 시의 역사적 뿌리는 무엇입니까?
What are the historical roots of Korean poetry?

2. 한국 시에서 운율과 이미지가 중요한 역할을 했던 이유는 무엇입니까?
Why did rhythm and imagery play an important role in Korean poetry?

3. 조선시대에 한시(漢詩)가 한국 시에 미친 영향은 무엇입니까?
What was the influence of Chinese poetry (hansi) on Korean poetry during the Joseon Dynasty?

4. 근대 이후 한국 시에서 어떤 변화가 있었습니까?
What changes occurred in Korean poetry after the modern era?

5. 오늘날 한국 시가 갖는 문화적 의미는 무엇입니까?
What is the cultural significance of Korean poetry today?

5. Cultural and historical notes
Korean poetry has a rich history that spans centuries, reflecting the country’s cultural traditions, sociopolitical changes, and literary influences. From the ancient forms like sijo, gasa, and gosi, which showcased unique rhythms and imagery, to the classical poetic styles influenced by Chinese poetry during the Joseon Dynasty, Korean poetry has undergone significant transformations.