1. Introduction to the text
Marriage customs and ceremonies have played a significant role in Korean culture for centuries. Rooted in Confucian values and traditions, these practices have evolved over time while still preserving their core essence. Understanding traditional Korean marriage rituals provides valuable insights into the country’s rich cultural heritage and societal norms.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
혼례 honrye wedding ceremony
납치 napchi bride’s ritual kidnapping
공궤 gongge wooden ducks symbolizing fidelity
합갑 hapgap ceremonial dress for groom
예단 yedan gift set for bride’s family
폐백 paebaek ritual of bowing to parents
신랑 sinrang groom
신부 sinbu bride
전통 jeontong tradition
의식 uisik ceremony

3. The main text in both Korean and English
전통적인 한국 혼례는 유교 사상과 예법에 뿌리를 두고 있습니다.
Traditional Korean wedding ceremonies are rooted in Confucian philosophy and etiquette.

혼례 전날 밤, 신랑은 합갑을 입고 신부 집으로 향합니다.
On the night before the wedding, the groom, dressed in the ceremonial hapgap, heads to the bride’s home.

신부는 친구들에 의해 납치되어 숨겨지는 의식이 있습니다.
The bride undergoes a ritual kidnapping by her friends and is hidden away.

신랑은 신부를 찾아 나서며, 이는 결혼 생활의 어려움을 상징합니다.
The groom must search for the bride, symbolizing the challenges of married life.

신부가 발견되면, 공궤와 예단을 신부 집으로 가져갑니다.
Once found, the groom brings the gongge (wooden ducks) and yedan (gift set) to the bride’s home.

혼례식 당일, 신랑과 신부는 전통 한복을 입고 폐백 의식을 행합니다.
On the wedding day, the couple, dressed in traditional hanbok, performs the paebaek ritual of bowing to their parents.

이후 신랑과 신부는 상견례를 하고 혼인 잔치가 시작됩니다.
After the initial meeting, the newlyweds begin their wedding banquet.

전통 혼례는 부모와 조상에 대한 예의를 중시하며 가족 가치관을 반영합니다.
Traditional weddings emphasize respect for parents and ancestors, reflecting family values.

4. Reading comprehension questions
1. What is the significance of the gongge (wooden ducks) in Korean wedding ceremonies?
2. Describe the ritual of napchi (bride’s kidnapping) and its symbolic meaning.
3. What does the paebaek ritual represent in traditional Korean weddings?
4. Why do the groom and bride wear specific ceremonial attire like the hapgap and hanbok?
5. How do traditional Korean wedding customs reflect Confucian values and family traditions?

5. Cultural and historical notes
Traditional Korean marriage customs and ceremonies have their roots in Confucian teachings, which emphasize filial piety, respect for elders, and the importance of family lineage. These practices have evolved over centuries, with some elements dating back to the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392 CE) and earlier.