1. Introduction to the text
The Korean skincare and beauty industry has gained immense popularity worldwide in recent years. Known for its innovative and effective products, this industry has become a global trendsetter. The roots of Korea’s beauty obsession can be traced back to ancient times when natural ingredients like ginseng, green tea, and fermented rice were used for skincare. However, the modern Korean beauty industry truly flourished in the late 20th century, driven by advancements in technology, changing societal norms, and the influence of popular culture.
2. Vocabulary
Korean Word | Romanization | English Meaning |
피부과학 | pibu gwahak | dermatology |
미백 | mibak | whitening |
보습 | bohseub | moisturizing |
스킨케어 | seukinke-a | skincare |
화장품 | hwajangpum | cosmetics |
천연 성분 | cheon-yeon seongbun | natural ingredients |
기능성 화장품 | ginungseng hwajangpum | functional cosmetics |
뷰티 트렌드 | byuti terendeu | beauty trend |
K-뷰티 | K-byuti | K-beauty |
한류 | hallyu | Korean Wave |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
한국의 스킨케어와 뷰티 산업은 최근 몇 년 동안 전 세계적으로 엄청난 인기를 얻고 있습니다.
The Korean skincare and beauty industry has gained immense popularity worldwide in recent years.
혁신적이고 효과적인 제품으로 유명한 이 산업은 글로벌 트렌드 세터가 되었습니다.
Known for its innovative and effective products, this industry has become a global trendsetter.
한국인의 미용 열풍의 뿌리는 고려 인삼, 녹차, 발효 쌀 등의 천연 성분을 사용한 옛날 피부 관리법까지 거슬러 올라갑니다.
The roots of Korea’s beauty obsession can be traced back to ancient skincare practices using natural ingredients like ginseng, green tea, and fermented rice.
그러나 현대 한국 뷰티 산업은 20세기 후반 기술 발전, 사회 규범 변화, 대중문화의 영향을 받아 진정으로 번창했습니다.
However, the modern Korean beauty industry truly flourished in the late 20th century, driven by advancements in technology, changing societal norms, and the influence of popular culture.
한국 화장품 회사들은 피부과학 연구에 많은 투자를 하여 혁신적인 제품을 개발했습니다.
Korean cosmetic companies invested heavily in dermatological research to develop innovative products.
미백, 보습, 노화 방지 등 다양한 기능성 화장품이 인기를 끌었습니다.
Functional cosmetics targeting whitening, moisturizing, and anti-aging became popular.
또한 한류 열풍과 함께 K-뷰티 트렌드가 전 세계로 퍼져 나갔습니다.
Along with the Korean Wave, the K-beauty trend spread globally.
10단계 이상의 복잡한 스킨케어 루틴이 유행하게 되었고, 한국 화장품 브랜드들이 세계 시장에 진출했습니다.
Complicated multi-step skincare routines became trendy, and Korean cosmetic brands expanded into global markets.
현재 한국 뷰티 산업은 세계 화장품 시장을 선도하고 있으며, 지속적인 혁신과 트렌드 설정으로 성장을 거듭하고 있습니다.
Today, the Korean beauty industry leads the global cosmetics market, continuously innovating and setting new trends.
4. Reading comprehension questions
1) What were some of the natural ingredients used in ancient Korean skincare practices?
2) What factors contributed to the rise of the modern Korean beauty industry in the late 20th century?
3) What types of functional cosmetics became popular in Korea?
4) How did the Korean Wave (Hallyu) influence the global spread of K-beauty?
5) What is the current status of the Korean beauty industry in the global market?
5. Cultural and historical notes
The Korean obsession with beauty and skincare has deep cultural roots. In traditional Korean society, fair skin was considered a symbol of nobility and high social status. This preference for light skin tones influenced the development of whitening cosmetics in the modern beauty industry.