1. Introduction to the text
The pursuit of academic excellence has long been deeply ingrained in Korean society, driven by a strong emphasis on education as a means of social mobility and success. This phenomenon, known as “Education Fever” or “Gyo-yuk Yeol,” has had a profound impact on the lives of students, families, and the nation as a whole. This reading material delves into the historical roots, societal expectations, and consequences of this intense focus on academic achievement in South Korea.
2. Vocabulary
Korean Word | Romanization | English Meaning |
교육열 | gyo-yuk yeol | education fever |
수능 | su-neung | college entrance exam |
과외 | gwa-oe | private tutoring |
명문대 | myeong-mun-dae | prestigious university |
입시 | ip-shi | college entrance exam period |
사교육 | sa-gyo-yuk | private education |
성적 | seong-jeok | academic performance |
성취감 | seong-chwi-gam | sense of achievement |
스트레스 | seu-teu-re-seu | stress |
경쟁력 | gyeong-jjeong-ryeok | competitiveness |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
한국 사회에서 교육열은 오랜 역사를 가지고 있다. 교육은 계층 이동과 성공의 열쇠로 여겨지기 때문이다.
In Korean society, the education fever has a long history, as education is considered the key to social mobility and success.
수능은 대학 입시에서 가장 중요한 시험이며, 학생들은 이 시험을 위해 많은 노력을 기울인다.
The college entrance exam, known as Suneung, is the most important exam for university admissions, and students put in tremendous effort to prepare for it.
부모들은 자녀의 성적을 높이기 위해 과외나 사교육에 많은 비용을 지출한다.
Parents invest heavily in private tutoring and private education to help their children achieve higher academic performance.
명문대에 입학하는 것은 많은 학생들의 꿈이며, 이를 위해 치열한 경쟁을 겪는다.
Gaining admission to prestigious universities is a dream for many students, and they face intense competition in pursuit of this goal.
입시 기간 동안 학생들은 극심한 스트레스를 겪지만, 성취감도 크다.
During the college entrance exam period, students experience immense stress, but also a great sense of achievement.
한국 사회에서 교육열은 장단점이 있다. 높은 교육 수준과 경쟁력을 가져오지만, 학생들에게 큰 부담이 된다.
The education fever in Korean society has its pros and cons. It contributes to a high level of education and competitiveness, but also places a heavy burden on students.
4. Reading comprehension questions
1. What is the main driving force behind the “education fever” in South Korean society?
2. Describe the role and importance of the college entrance exam (Suneung) in the Korean education system.
3. How do parents contribute to the education fever phenomenon, and what sacrifices do they make?
4. Explain the significance of gaining admission to prestigious universities in South Korea.
5. What are some of the positive and negative impacts of the intense focus on academic achievement in Korean society?
5. Cultural and historical notes
The emphasis on education in Korean society has deep historical roots, stemming from the Confucian tradition that valued scholarly pursuits and education as a means of social advancement. During the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), the gwageo (civil service examination) system played a crucial role in selecting government officials, further reinforcing the importance of education.