1. Introduction to the text
The hanbok, the traditional Korean dress, has a rich history that spans centuries. Its elegant and graceful designs reflect the cultural heritage and aesthetic sensibilities of the Korean people. While it was once the everyday attire, the hanbok has now become a symbol of Korean identity, worn during special occasions and cultural events. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in the hanbok, with modern interpretations and fusion designs gaining popularity.
2. Vocabulary
Korean Word | Romanization | English Meaning |
한복 | hanbok | traditional Korean dress |
저고리 | jeogori | upper garment (jacket or blouse) |
바지 | baji | trousers |
치마 | chima | skirt |
색동 | saekdong | vibrant colors and patterns |
장식 | jangsik | decoration or embellishment |
전통 | jeontong | tradition |
부활 | buhwal | revival |
현대적 | hyeondaejeok | modern |
융합 | yunghap | fusion |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
한복은 한국 전통 의상으로, 그 역사는 수백 년 전부터 이어져 왔습니다.
The hanbok is the traditional Korean dress, with a history dating back several centuries.
우아하고 품위 있는 디자인은 한국인의 문화적 유산과 미적 감각을 반영합니다.
Its elegant and graceful designs reflect the cultural heritage and aesthetic sensibilities of the Korean people.
과거에는 일상복으로 착용되었지만, 현재 한복은 특별한 행사와 문화 행사 시 착용되는 한국인의 정체성을 상징하는 옷이 되었습니다.
While it was once the everyday attire, the hanbok has now become a symbol of Korean identity, worn during special occasions and cultural events.
최근 몇 년 사이에 한복에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 현대적인 해석과 융합 디자인이 인기를 얻고 있습니다.
In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in the hanbok, with modern interpretations and fusion designs gaining popularity.
전통 한복은 저고리(상의)와 바지 또는 치마(하의)로 구성되어 있습니다.
The traditional hanbok consists of a jeogori (upper garment) and baji (trousers) or chima (skirt) for the lower garment.