1. Introduction to the text
Confucianism, a philosophical and ethical system originating from ancient China, has significantly influenced various aspects of Korean culture, including its literature. For centuries, Confucian principles and values have shaped the themes, styles, and perspectives of Korean literary works, reflecting the societal norms and moral codes of the time. This reading material explores the profound impact of Confucian thought on Korean literature and how it has molded the literary landscape.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
유교 yugyo Confucianism
hyo filial piety
chung loyalty
ye propriety
지행합일 jihanghabil unity of knowledge and action
군자 gunja noble person
소설 soseol novel
시가 siga poetry
전통 jeontong tradition
계몽 gyemong enlightenment
윤리 yunri ethics
규범 gyubom norms
문학 munhak literature

3. The main text in both Korean and English
유교 사상은 한국 문학에 깊은 영향을 미쳤다. / Confucian thought has had a profound influence on Korean literature.

효와 충은 한국 문학의 주요 주제로 자리 잡았다. / Filial piety and loyalty became prominent themes in Korean literature.

예와 지행합일과 같은 유교 가치관이 작품 속 인물들의 행동과 사고방식에 반영되었다. / Confucian values such as propriety and the unity of knowledge and action were reflected in the actions and mindsets of characters in literary works.

군자의 모습을 묘사하고 이상화하는 것이 소설과 시가의 중요한 요소였다. / Depicting and idealizing the noble person was an essential element of novels and poetry.

유교 전통은 한국 문학의 형식과 스타일에도 영향을 미쳤다. / Confucian traditions also influenced the form and style of Korean literature.

조선 시대 동안, 문학은 계몽과 윤리 교육의 수단으로 활용되었다. / During the Joseon Dynasty, literature was utilized as a means of enlightenment and moral education.

작품 속에서 유교 규범과 가치관을 준수하는 것이 중요한 주제로 다루어졌다. / Adhering to Confucian norms and values was a significant theme explored in literary works.

4. Reading comprehension questions
1. What are the two prominent Confucian themes that became central in Korean literature?
2. How did Confucian values influence the portrayal of characters in literary works?
3. Explain the role of literature during the Joseon Dynasty in relation to Confucianism.
4. In what ways did Confucian thought shape the form and style of Korean literature?
5. Why was depicting the “noble person” an essential element in novels and poetry?

5. Cultural and historical notes
Confucianism was introduced to Korea during the Three Kingdoms period (57 BCE – 935 CE) and became the dominant philosophical and ethical system during the Goryeo (918-1392) and Joseon (1392-1897) dynasties. The Confucian emphasis on filial piety, loyalty, propriety, and moral cultivation heavily influenced Korean society, politics, and culture, including literature.