1. Introduction to the text
Traditional Korean mask dances, known as ‘Talnori,’ are a vibrant and captivating art form that has been an integral part of Korean culture for centuries. Originating from shamanic rituals and village festivals, these dances combine intricate choreography, colorful masks, and satirical storytelling, offering a unique glimpse into the lives and struggles of ordinary people throughout Korea’s history.
2. Vocabulary
Korean word | Romanization | English meaning |
탈놀이 | Talnori | Mask dance |
탈 | Tal | Mask |
무당 | Mudang | Shaman |
풍자 | Pungja | Satire |
궁중 | Gungjung | Royal court |
민속 | Minsok | Folk tradition |
소재 | Sojae | Subject matter |
춤사위 | Chumsawi | Dance movements |
잡색 | Japsaek | Bright colors |
전승 | Jeonseung | Transmission |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
탈놀이는 한국 전통 예술의 보배입니다.
Traditional Korean mask dances, known as ‘Talnori,’ are a treasure of Korean traditional arts.
이 예술은 고대 무당의 의식과 마을 축제에서 유래했습니다.
This art form originated from ancient shamanic rituals and village festivals.
탈놀이는 화려한 탈과 풍자적인 이야기, 그리고 정교한 춤사위가 특징입니다.
Talnori is characterized by colorful masks, satirical storytelling, and intricate dance movements.
과거 궁중에서는 잡색 탈을 사용하는 것이 금지되었지만, 민속 예술로서 계속 전승되었습니다.
While the use of bright-colored masks was prohibited in the royal court, Talnori continued to be transmitted as a folk art.
탈놀이의 소재는 주로 일상 생활과 사회 계층 간의 갈등을 반영합니다.
The subject matter of Talnori often reflects the everyday lives and conflicts between social classes.