1. Introduction to the text
The Korean education system is known for its intense competition and immense academic pressures placed on students from a very young age. This system has its roots in the country’s Confucian heritage, which emphasizes the importance of education and scholarly pursuits. However, the modern-day Korean education system has evolved into a highly competitive environment, with students facing intense pressure to excel academically and gain admission to prestigious universities.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
교육 gyoyuk education
수능 suneung college entrance exam
과외 gwawoe private tutoring
입시 ipsi college admissions
학원 hagwon private academy
성적 seongjjeok grades
경쟁 gyeongjeong competition
부담 budam burden
스트레스 seuteureseu stress
압박 apbak pressure

3. The main text in both Korean and English
한국의 교육 시스템은 학생들에게 엄청난 압박을 주는 것으로 유명합니다.
The Korean education system is notorious for putting immense pressure on students.

학생들은 어려서부터 수능 시험을 준비하며, 좋은 대학에 입학하기 위해 치열한 경쟁을 해야 합니다.
From a young age, students must prepare for the college entrance exam (suneung) and engage in fierce competition to gain admission to top universities.

많은 학생들이 과외와 학원에 다니며, 밤늦게까지 공부를 합니다.
Many students attend private tutoring sessions (gwawoe) and academies (hagwon), studying late into the night.

좋은 성적을 받기 위한 부담과 스트레스 때문에, 학생들의 정신 건강이 위협받고 있습니다.
The burden and stress of achieving high grades (seongjjeok) are taking a toll on students’ mental health.

입시 준비로 인한 압박은 한국 사회에서 큰 문제로 여겨지고 있습니다.
The pressure associated with college admissions (ipsi) preparation is considered a major issue in Korean society.

4. Reading comprehension questions
1. What is the college entrance exam in Korea called?
2. Why do many Korean students attend private academies and tutoring sessions?
3. According to the text, what is a major concern regarding the Korean education system?
4. How does the text describe the level of competition in the Korean education system?
5. What historical or cultural factor is mentioned as contributing to the intense academic pressures in Korea?

5. Cultural and historical notes
The intense academic pressure and competition in the Korean education system can be traced back to the country’s Confucian heritage, which places a strong emphasis on education and scholarly pursuits. This cultural value has been deeply ingrained in Korean society for centuries.