1. Introduction to the text
The Dano Festival, also known as Suritnalor Surinal, is a major traditional Korean festival celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month. This festival has its roots in ancient agricultural rituals and customs, and it holds great cultural and historical significance in Korean society. It is a time for families to come together, honor ancestors, and celebrate the bountiful harvests to come.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
단오 Dano The Dano Festival
수리날 Surinal Another name for the Dano Festival
제례 Jerye Ancestral rites or rituals
단오부채 Danobuchae Traditional Korean fan used during Dano
쌀풀 Ssalpul Sweet rice drink
창포물 Changpomul Calamus drink
씨름 Ssireum Korean wrestling
그네 Geuneor Swing
강강술래 Ganggangsurae Traditional circle dance
전통 Jeontong Tradition

3. The main text in both Korean and English

단오는 한국의 대표적인 전통 명절 중 하나입니다.
The Dano Festival is one of the major traditional Korean holidays.

이날은 조상들에게 제례를 올리고 가족들이 모여 축제를 즐기는 날입니다.
On this day, ancestral rites are performed, and families gather to celebrate the festival.

단오부채를 들고 강강술래를 추며 전통 민속 놀이를 합니다.
People carry traditional fans called Danobuchae and participate in folk games like the Ganggangsurae circle dance.

씨름과 그네 타기 등 다양한 민속 운동 경기도 열립니다.
Various folk sports events such as Korean wrestling (Ssireum) and swing riding are also held.

창포물과 쌀풀 같은 전통 음료를 마시며 축제 분위기를 만끽합니다.
People enjoy the festive atmosphere while drinking traditional beverages like Changpomul (calamus drink) and Ssalpul (sweet rice drink).

단오는 농경 사회에서 유래한 풍작을 기원하는 행사였습니다.
The Dano Festival originated as an agricultural event to wish for bountiful harvests in agrarian societies.

현재는 전통 문화 계승과 가족 화합의 의미를 지니고 있습니다.
Today, it holds significance as a way to preserve traditional culture and promote family unity.

단오 때 이루어지는 다양한 의식과 놀이는 한국 전통 문화의 정수를 보여줍니다.
The various rituals and games performed during Dano showcase the essence of traditional Korean culture.

이 명절은 한국인들에게 전통과 가족의 소중함을 일깨워주는 역할을 합니다.
This festival serves as a reminder to Koreans of the importance of tradition and family.

단오 축제는 지역마다 약간씩 다른 모습으로 열리며 지역 고유의 특색을 지닙니다.
The Dano Festival is celebrated in slightly different ways across different regions, each with its unique local characteristics.

4. Reading comprehension questions

1) 단오 축제의 기원과 목적은 무엇입니까?
What is the origin and purpose of the Dano Festival?

2) 단오 때 행해지는 대표적인 전통 민속 놀이와 활동에는 어떤 것들이 있습니까?
What are some of the representative traditional folk games and activities that take place during Dano?

3) 단오 축제가 현대 한국 사회에서 지니는 의미는 무엇입니까?
What significance does the Dano Festival hold in modern Korean society?

5. Cultural and historical notes
The Dano Festival has its roots in ancient agricultural rituals and customs, dating back to the Three Kingdoms period (57 BCE – 935 CE). It was a time to pray for bountiful harvests and celebrate the arrival of summer. Over time, the festival evolved to incorporate various folk games, dances, and traditional beverages.