1. Introduction to the text
The traditional Korean attire, known as hanbok, has been an integral part of Korean culture for centuries. It has evolved over time, reflecting the changing tastes and influences of different eras. Today, hanbok has transcended its traditional roots and has become a source of inspiration for modern Korean fashion designers, showcasing the country’s rich cultural heritage on the global stage.
2. Vocabulary
Korean Word | Romanization | English Meaning |
한복 | hanbok | traditional Korean clothing |
저고리 | jeogori | the upper garment of hanbok |
치마 | chima | the skirt of hanbok |
바지 | baji | the pants of hanbok |
궁중복식 | gungjungboksik | court dress |
민간복식 | minganboksik | commoners’ dress |
전통 | jeontong | tradition |
현대화 | hyeondaehwa | modernization |
문화유산 | munhwayusan | cultural heritage |
패션쇼 | paesyeonsyo | fashion show |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
한복은 한국 문화의 정수를 담고 있는 전통 의상이다.
Hanbok is a traditional Korean attire that embodies the essence of Korean culture.
그 역사는 수백 년 전으로 거슬러 올라가며, 시대와 계층에 따라 다양한 스타일로 발전해 왔다.
Its history dates back centuries, evolving into various styles based on the era and social class.
궁중복식은 왕실과 귀족들이 입었던 화려하고 장식적인 한복으로, 민간복식과는 구별되었다.
The court dress, worn by royalty and nobility, was an ornate and decorative form of hanbok, distinct from the commoners’ dress.
전통적인 한복 디자인은 단순하고 절제된 미를 추구했지만, 동시에 섬세한 자수와 색동 등의 장식으로 품위를 더했다.
Traditional hanbok designs pursued a simple and restrained beauty, while incorporating intricate embroidery and colored stripes to add elegance.
20세기에 들어서면서 한복은 서구 문화의 영향을 받아 현대화되기 시작했다.
In the 20th century, hanbok underwent modernization, influenced by Western culture.
그러나 한국인들은 자신들의 문화유산을 소중히 여기며, 한복을 계승하고 보존하기 위해 노력해 왔다.
However, Koreans valued their cultural heritage and strived to preserve and continue the tradition of hanbok.
오늘날 한복은 패션쇼와 현대적인 디자인을 통해 새로운 모습으로 부활하고 있다.
Today, hanbok is being revived in new forms through fashion shows and modern designs.
디자이너들은 한복의 전통적인 요소를 현대적인 감각과 결합하여 독창적인 작품을 선보이고 있다.
Designers are combining traditional elements of hanbok with contemporary sensibilities to create unique and innovative works.
이렇게 한복은 한국 문화의 상징이자 현대 패션의 새로운 영감이 되고 있다.
Thus, hanbok has become a symbol of Korean culture and a source of inspiration for modern fashion.
4. Reading comprehension questions
1. What is the significance of hanbok in Korean culture?
2. How did the court dress differ from the commoners’ dress in traditional Korean society?
3. What changes did hanbok undergo in the 20th century, and why?
4. How are modern designers incorporating hanbok into contemporary fashion?
5. Why is the preservation and evolution of hanbok important for Korean culture and fashion?
5. Cultural and historical notes
Hanbok has a rich cultural and historical significance in Korea. Its origins can be traced back to the Three Kingdoms period (57 BC – 935 AD), and it has evolved through various dynasties, reflecting the social hierarchy and cultural influences of each era.