1. Introduction to the text
Baseball, a sport with deep roots in Korean culture, has undergone a remarkable transformation from a recreational pastime to a professional and highly competitive sport. The rise of professional baseball in Korea is a fascinating journey that reflects the nation’s passion for the game and its determination to excel on the global stage.
2. Vocabulary
Korean Word | Romanization | English Meaning |
야구 | yagu | baseball |
프로야구 | pro-yagu | professional baseball |
구단 | gudan | team, club |
선수 | seonsu | player |
리그 | rigeu | league |
시즌 | sijeon | season |
우승 | usung | championship |
팬 | paen | fan |
경기 | gyeonggi | game, match |
열정 | yeoljeong | passion |
전통 | jeontong | tradition |
발전 | baljeon | development |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
한국의 프로야구는 19세기 말 서구 문화의 유입과 함께 시작되었다. / Professional baseball in Korea began in the late 19th century with the influx of Western culture.
초기에는 학생들과 외국인 선교사들 사이에서 여가 활동으로 인기를 끌었다. / In its early days, it was popular as a leisure activity among students and foreign missionaries.
1982년에 프로야구 리그가 공식적으로 창설되었고, 이는 한국 스포츠 역사에 중요한 이정표가 되었다. / In 1982, the professional baseball league was officially established, marking an important milestone in Korean sports history.
처음에는 6개 구단으로 시작했지만, 현재 10개의 프로팀이 활동하고 있다. / It started with 6 teams, but now there are 10 professional teams active.
한국 프로야구 리그는 매년 3월부터 10월까지 정규 시즌을 치르며, 우승팀은 한국시리즈에서 결정된다. / The Korean professional baseball league holds its regular season from March to October each year, with the championship team determined in the Korean Series.
프로야구는 한국 국민들의 열정적인 지지를 받고 있으며, 경기장은 항상 열렬한 팬들로 가득하다. / Professional baseball enjoys passionate support from Korean fans, with stadiums always filled with enthusiastic crowds.
선수들의 기량과 경기력 향상으로 한국 프로야구는 세계적인 수준에 도달했다. / With players’ improved skills and competitiveness, Korean professional baseball has reached a global standard.
프로야구는 한국 문화와 전통의 중요한 부분이 되었으며, 젊은 세대에게도 큰 인기를 얻고 있다. / Professional baseball has become an integral part of Korean culture and tradition, and is also highly popular among the younger generation.
한국 프로야구의 발전은 국민들에게 자부심과 단합의 원천이 되고 있다. / The development of Korean professional baseball has become a source of pride and unity for the nation.
4. Reading comprehension questions
1. When was the professional baseball league officially established in Korea?
2. How many professional baseball teams are currently active in Korea?
3. During which months does the regular season of the Korean professional baseball league take place?
4. What is the significance of the Korean Series in the professional baseball league?
5. How has the development of Korean professional baseball impacted the nation’s culture and tradition?
5. Cultural and historical notes
The rise of professional baseball in Korea is deeply intertwined with the nation’s cultural and historical journey. While the sport was initially introduced by Western influences, it quickly gained popularity and became a beloved pastime among Koreans.