1. Introduction to the text
Korean traditional painting, also known as Dangka or Minhwa, is a form of art that has been deeply rooted in Korean culture for centuries. It reflects the unique aesthetics, beliefs, and way of life of the Korean people. These paintings often depict scenes from nature, folklore, and daily life, offering a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Korea.
2. Vocabulary
Korean Word | Romanization | English Meaning |
단가 | Dangka | Traditional Korean painting |
민화 | Minhwa | Folk painting |
수묵화 | Sumukhua | Ink wash painting |
채색화 | Chaesaekhwa | Colored painting |
화조화 | Hwajohwa | Bird and flower painting |
산수화 | Sansuhwa | Landscape painting |
인물화 | Inmulhwa | Figure painting |
궁중화 | Gungjonghwa | Court painting |
민화 | Minhwa | Folk painting |
전통 | Jeon-tong | Tradition |
유산 | Yusan | Heritage |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
한국 전통 회화는 오랜 역사와 전통을 지니고 있다. / Korean traditional painting has a long history and tradition.
이 예술 형태는 한국인의 독특한 미적 감각과 생활 방식을 반영한다. / This art form reflects the unique aesthetic sensibilities and way of life of Koreans.
전통 화가들은 주로 수묵화와 채색화 기법을 사용했다. / Traditional painters primarily used ink wash and colored painting techniques.
산수화와 화조화는 한국 전통 회화의 주요 장르였다. / Landscape and bird-and-flower paintings were major genres of Korean traditional painting.
궁중화는 왕실을 위한 특별한 예술 작품이었다. / Court paintings were special artworks created for the royal court.
민화는 일반 서민들의 삶과 염원을 표현한 작품이다. / Folk paintings expressed the lives and aspirations of common people.
전통 회화는 종종 자연, 전설, 그리고 일상생활의 장면을 묘사했다. / Traditional paintings often depicted scenes from nature, folklore, and daily life.
이러한 작품들은 한국 문화와 전통의 아름다움을 보여준다. / These works showcase the beauty of Korean culture and traditions.
오늘날 한국 전통 회화는 중요한 문화유산으로 인정받고 있다. / Today, Korean traditional painting is recognized as an important cultural heritage.
전통 기법과 현대적 해석의 결합으로 이 예술은 계속 발전하고 있다. / This art form continues to evolve, combining traditional techniques with modern interpretations.
4. Reading comprehension questions
1. What are the two main techniques used in Korean traditional painting?
2. What were the major genres of Korean traditional painting?
3. What was the purpose of court paintings in Korean traditional art?
4. How did folk paintings differ from other traditional paintings in their subject matter?
5. How is Korean traditional painting regarded and preserved today?
5. Cultural and historical notes
Korean traditional painting has its roots in ancient times, with evidence of rock paintings dating back to the Neolithic period. However, it truly flourished during the Goryeo (918-1392) and Joseon (1392-1910) dynasties, when the art form reached its peak.