1. Introduction to the text
Buddhism has had a profound influence on Korean culture, including its literature. The introduction of Buddhism from China in the 4th century CE brought with it a rich literary tradition that deeply influenced Korean poetry. Buddhist concepts, imagery, and symbolism permeated Korean poetry, shaping its themes, styles, and aesthetic sensibilities.
2. Vocabulary
Korean Word | Romanization | English Meaning |
불교 | bulgyo | Buddhism |
시가 | siga | poetry |
영향 | yeonghyang | influence |
경전 | gyeongjeon | Buddhist scriptures |
선사 | seonsa | Zen Buddhist monk |
화엄 | hwaeom | Huayan Buddhism |
법화 | beophwa | Lotus Sutra |
깨달음 | kkaedaleum | enlightenment |
무상 | musang | impermanence |
공 | gong | emptiness |
연기 | yeongi | dependent origination |
열반 | yeolban | nirvana |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
불교가 한국 시가에 미친 영향은 지대했다. / The influence of Buddhism on Korean poetry was profound.
불교 경전과 불교 사상은 한국 시인들에게 풍부한 영감의 원천이 되었다. / Buddhist scriptures and Buddhist thought became a rich source of inspiration for Korean poets.
고려시대의 선사들은 불교 교리와 수행 체험을 시로 표현했다. / Zen Buddhist monks of the Goryeo Dynasty expressed Buddhist teachings and their practice experiences through poetry.
화엄종의 영향으로 세계의 상호 연관성과 공성에 대한 통찰이 시에 반영되었다. / Influenced by Huayan Buddhism, insights into the interconnectedness of the world and the concept of emptiness were reflected in poetry.
법화경의 가르침은 한국 시인들에게 깨달음과 열반에 대한 영감을 주었다. / The teachings of the Lotus Sutra inspired Korean poets with themes of enlightenment and nirvana.