1. Introduction to the text
South Korea’s education system, particularly the university entrance process, has been a topic of intense focus and debate. The highly competitive nature of the system has shaped the academic journey of generations of students. This text delves into the transition from the traditional university entrance exam to a more comprehensive evaluation process, shedding light on the historical context and the ongoing efforts to reform the system.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
대학수학능력시험 daehagsuneungneungyeokshiheom College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT)
입시 ipshi University entrance exam
학생부종합전형 hagsaengbujonghabjeonhyeong Comprehensive student record evaluation
사교육 sagyoyuk Private tutoring or cram schools
평가 pyeongga Evaluation
개혁 gaehyeok Reform
경쟁 gyeongjeong Competition
교육부 gyoyukbu Ministry of Education
전형 jeonhyeong Admissions process
공정성 gongjeongseong Fairness

3. The main text in both Korean and English

한국의 대학 입시 제도는 오랫동안 대학수학능력시험(수능)이라는 단일 시험에 의존해 왔습니다.
The university entrance system in South Korea has long relied on a single examination, the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT), known as the “suneung.”

하지만 이 시험은 학생들에게 지나친 압박감을 주고 사교육에 대한 의존도를 높였다는 비판이 있었습니다.
However, this exam has been criticized for putting excessive pressure on students and increasing reliance on private tutoring or cram schools.

2000년대 초반부터 교육부는 입시 제도 개혁을 추진해 왔으며, 학생부종합전형을 도입했습니다.
Since the early 2000s, the Ministry of Education has been pursuing reforms to the university entrance system and introduced the comprehensive student record evaluation.

이 전형은 학생의 전체 활동과 성취도를 종합적으로 평가하여 대학 입학 여부를 결정합니다.
This process evaluates a student’s overall activities and achievements comprehensively to determine university admission.

그러나 이 새로운 제도에 대해서도 공정성 문제와 평가 기준의 모호성 등의 우려가 제기되었습니다.
However, concerns have been raised about this new system, including issues of fairness and ambiguity in evaluation criteria.

교육부와 대학들은 지속적으로 입시 제도를 개선하고 있지만, 완벽한 해결책을 찾기는 쉽지 않습니다.
The Ministry of Education and universities continue to refine the admissions process, but finding a perfect solution remains challenging.

한편, 일부 대학에서는 수능 성적과 학생부종합전형을 병행하여 활용하고 있습니다.
Meanwhile, some universities are using a combination of CSAT scores and comprehensive student record evaluations.

이는 다양한 평가 요소를 고려함으로써 보다 공정하고 균형 잡힌 전형 방식을 모색하려는 노력입니다.
This approach aims to create a fairer and more balanced admissions process by considering various evaluation factors.

그럼에도 불구하고 한국의 대학 입시 제도는 여전히 치열한 경쟁과 과도한 스트레스로 인해 논란의 대상이 되고 있습니다.
Despite these efforts, South Korea’s university entrance system remains controversial due to intense competition and excessive stress.

앞으로도 교육계와 사회 전반에 걸쳐 지속적인 개혁과 논의가 필요할 것으로 보입니다.
Ongoing reforms and discussions across the education sector and society as a whole are expected to continue.

4. Reading comprehension questions

1) What was the traditional university entrance system in South Korea primarily based on?
2) What is the “comprehensive student record evaluation” system, and how is it different from the traditional system?
3) According to the text, what are some of the concerns or criticisms raised about the new comprehensive evaluation system?
4) How are some universities attempting to create a more balanced admissions process?
5) Why does the university entrance system in South Korea remain a subject of debate and controversy?

5. Cultural and historical notes