1. Introduction to the text
Hagwons, or private academies, play a crucial role in the Korean education system. These after-school institutions provide supplementary education to students, ranging from academic subjects to extracurricular activities. The intense competition for academic excellence and the desire for students to excel have fueled the growth of hagwons in South Korea.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
학원 hagwon private academy
입시 ipsi college entrance exam
과외 gwawoe private tutoring
보충 bohchung supplementary
사교육 sagyoyuk private education
경쟁력 gyeongjengryeok competitiveness
성적 seongjjeok academic performance
과열 gwabyeol excessive
과외비 gwawoebi private tutoring fees
사설 saseol private

3. The main text in both Korean and English

한국에서 학원은 학생들의 학업 성취도를 높이기 위한 중요한 역할을 한다.
In Korea, hagwons play a crucial role in enhancing students’ academic achievements.

학생들은 입시 준비와 성적 향상을 위해 학원에 다닌다.
Students attend hagwons to prepare for college entrance exams and improve their academic performance.

학원은 정규 교육과정에서 다루지 않는 내용을 보충하고, 개별 지도를 제공한다.
Hagwons provide supplementary education not covered in the regular curriculum and offer personalized instruction.

사교육비 지출이 가계 부담이 되고 있지만, 많은 학부모들은 자녀의 경쟁력 향상을 위해 학원 교육에 투자한다.
Despite the financial burden of private education costs, many parents invest in hagwons to enhance their children’s competitiveness.

학원 교육의 과열 경쟁으로 인해 학생들의 스트레스와 부담이 증가하고 있다.
The intense competition in hagwon education has led to increased stress and pressure on students.

정부는 사교육비 규제와 공교육 강화 정책을 시행하고 있지만, 학부모들의 needs를 완전히 충족시키지 못하고 있다.
The government has implemented regulations on private education costs and policies to strengthen public education, but it has not fully met the needs of parents.