1. Introduction to the text
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Korean cinema experienced a renaissance known as the “Korean New Wave.” This movement brought a fresh and distinctive voice to Korean films, challenging traditional norms and exploring new themes and styles. The Korean New Wave films were critically acclaimed for their artistic merit and gained international recognition, marking a significant milestone in the country’s cultural landscape.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
신한류 shinhallyu Korean New Wave
독립영화 dongripyeonghwa independent film
실험적 shilheomjeok experimental
상징적 sangjeungjeok symbolic
비판적 bipanjeok critical
사회문제 sahoemundje social issue
젠더 jendeo gender
계층 gyecheung class
정치적 jeongchijeok political
영화제 yeonghwaje film festival

3. The main text in both Korean and English

1990년대 후반과 2000년대 초반에 한국 영화계에는 ‘신한류’라고 불리는 새로운 흐름이 일어났습니다.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, a new wave called the “Korean New Wave” emerged in the Korean film industry.

이 운동은 독립영화와 실험적인 영화 스타일을 강조했으며, 전통적인 영화 규범에 도전했습니다.
This movement emphasized independent and experimental film styles, challenging traditional cinematic norms.

신한류 영화들은 상징적이고 비판적인 시각으로 한국 사회의 문제와 젠더, 계층 등의 이슈를 다루었습니다.
The Korean New Wave films explored societal issues, gender, and class through symbolic and critical lenses.

영화감독들은 정치적, 사회적 메시지를 담아 관객들에게 새로운 시각을 제시했습니다.
The directors conveyed political and social messages, offering audiences fresh perspectives.

대표적인 신한류 영화로는 ‘박하사탕’, ‘섬머 스케치’, ‘박쥐’ 등이 있습니다.
Notable examples of Korean New Wave films include “Bungee Jumping of Their Own,” “Summer Sketch,” and “Bakha Satang.”

이들 작품은 국내외 유명 영화제에서 호평을 받으며 한국 영화의 새로운 가능성을 보여주었습니다.
These films received critical acclaim at renowned international film festivals, showcasing the new potential of Korean cinema.

4. Reading comprehension questions

1) 신한류 운동의 주요 특징은 무엇입니까?
What were the key characteristics of the Korean New Wave movement?

2) 신한류 영화들이 다룬 주요 주제에는 어떤 것들이 있습니까?
What were some of the main themes explored in Korean New Wave films?

3) 신한류 영화들이 국제적으로 성공할 수 있었던 이유는 무엇일까요?
Why do you think Korean New Wave films were able to achieve international success?

5. Cultural and historical notes
The Korean New Wave cinema emerged in the late 1990s, following the country’s democratization and the lifting of strict censorship laws. This newfound freedom of expression allowed filmmakers to explore previously taboo subjects and experiment with unconventional styles.