1. Introduction to the text
The Korean College Entrance Exam, commonly known as “Suneung” (수능), is a pivotal event in the lives of Korean high school students. This nationwide exam, administered annually by the Korean Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation, plays a crucial role in determining students’ academic futures and shaping the country’s educational landscape. The Suneung has a deep-rooted historical significance, reflecting Korea’s emphasis on education and the intense competition for admission to top universities.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
수능 suneung College Entrance Exam
대입 daeip College admission
경쟁률 gyeongjeungnyu Competition rate
성적 seonggjeok Scores/Grades
입시 ipsi College entrance exam
사교육 sagoyuk Private tutoring/education
명문대 myeongmundae Prestigious university
교육열 gyoyukyeol Passion for education
준비 junbi Preparation
시험일 sihemil Exam day

3. The main text in both Korean and English
한국에서 수능은 학생들의 미래를 결정하는 중요한 시험이다.
In Korea, the Suneung is a crucial exam that determines students’ futures.

수능 성적은 대입 지원 자격과 합격 여부를 결정한다.
The Suneung scores determine a student’s eligibility to apply for and gain admission to universities.

경쟁률이 매우 높아 학생들은 수년 동안 입시를 준비한다.
Due to the intense competition, students prepare for the exam for several years.

명문대에 진학하기 위해 많은 학생들이 사교육에 의존한다.
To gain admission to prestigious universities, many students rely heavily on private tutoring.

시험일 당일, 전국에서 소란이 없도록 항공기 운항이 제한된다.
On the exam day, air traffic is restricted nationwide to minimize noise disturbances.

한국 사회에서 교육열이 높아 수능은 큰 의미를 가진다.
In Korean society, where education is highly valued, the Suneung holds great significance.

수능 결과에 따라 학생들의 진로와 삶의 방향이 결정된다.
The Suneung results shape students’ future paths and life directions.

수능 준비 과정은 학생들에게 큰 스트레스와 부담을 준다.
The preparation process for the Suneung places immense stress and burden on students.

정부는 수능 제도 개선을 위해 노력하고 있지만 여전히 논란이 있다.
While the government strives to improve the Suneung system, it remains controversial.

수능의 영향력은 한국 교육 체계에서 매우 크다.
The influence of the Suneung is substantial within the Korean education system.

4. Reading comprehension questions
1. What is the primary purpose of the Suneung exam in Korea?
2. Why do many Korean students rely on private tutoring to prepare for the Suneung?
3. Explain the measures taken on the day of the Suneung exam and why they are implemented.
4. How does the Suneung reflect the importance of education in Korean society?
5. What are some criticisms or controversies surrounding the Suneung system?

5. Cultural and historical notes
The Suneung exam has its roots in the Gwageo, a civil service examination system that dates back to the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392 CE). The modern Suneung system was established in the 1960s as South Korea focused on rebuilding its education system after the Korean War. The intense competition for admission to prestigious universities like Seoul National University and Yonsei University has driven the growth of a massive private tutoring industry, known as “hagwon.”