1. Introduction to the text
The Tale of Shim Chung is a beloved Korean folktale that highlights the virtue of filial piety, or the respect and devotion towards one’s parents. This tale has been passed down through generations and has become an integral part of Korean cultural heritage. It serves as a reminder of the importance of honoring and caring for one’s elders, a value deeply ingrained in Korean society.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
효녀 hyo-nya filial daughter
열녀 yeol-nyo virtuous woman
혈육 hyol-yuk blood relation
구렁이 gu-reong-i sea monster
봉양 bong-yang support (parents)
효심 hyo-shim filial piety
불효 bul-hyo unfilial
지혜 ji-hye wisdom
덕행 deok-haeng virtuous behavior
인내 in-nae patience

3. The main text in both Korean and English
옛날 가난한 나무꾼 부부가 있었습니다.
Once upon a time, there lived a poor woodcutter couple.

그들은 딸 하나만 있었는데, 그 이름이 심청이었습니다.
They had only one daughter, whose name was Shim Chung.

어린 심청이는 효녀로 알려져 있었고, 부모님을 사랑하고 존경했습니다.
From a young age, Shim Chung was known as a filial daughter, loving and respecting her parents.

하루는 아버지가 심각한 병에 걸렸고, 약값을 구할 돈이 없었습니다.
One day, her father fell gravely ill, and they had no money to buy medicine.

심청이는 절대 포기하지 않고, 부모님을 구하기 위해 바다 괴물에게 자신을 팔기로 결심했습니다.
Shim Chung, determined to save her parents, decided to sell herself to a sea monster.

바다 괴물은 심청이의 효심에 감동받아 그녀를 살려주었고, 대신 부모님의 병을 고쳐주었습니다.
Moved by Shim Chung’s filial piety, the sea monster spared her life and cured her parents’ illness instead.

심청이의 이야기는 세대를 거쳐 전해져 내려왔고, 그녀의 효심은 한국인들에게 본보기가 되었습니다.
The story of Shim Chung has been passed down through generations, and her filial piety has become an exemplar for Koreans.

4. Reading comprehension questions
1. What virtue does the Tale of Shim Chung highlight?
2. Why did Shim Chung decide to sell herself to the sea monster?
3. How did the sea monster respond to Shim Chung’s act of filial piety?
4. What role does this folktale play in Korean cultural heritage?
5. What lesson or value can be learned from the Tale of Shim Chung?

5. Cultural and historical notes
The Tale of Shim Chung is a prime example of the deep-rooted Confucian values in Korean society, particularly the emphasis on filial piety (hyodo) towards one’s parents. This virtue has been a cornerstone of Korean culture for centuries and is still highly regarded today. The tale serves as a moral lesson on the importance of honoring and caring for one’s elders, even in the face of adversity.