1. Introduction to the text
Buddhism has played a significant role in shaping Korean culture, including its literature. Introduced to the Korean peninsula in the 4th century CE, Buddhism quickly gained popularity and influenced various aspects of society, including art, architecture, and literature. The profound impact of Buddhist teachings and philosophies can be seen in many literary works throughout Korean history.

2. Vocabulary

Korean Word Romanization English Meaning
불교 Bulgyo Buddhism
경전 Gyeongjeon Buddhist scriptures
공안 Gong-an Zen Buddhist riddles
승려 Seungnya Buddhist monk
화엄경 Hwaeomgyeong Avatamsaka Sutra
반야심경 Banyasimgyeong Heart Sutra
삼국유사 Samgukyusa Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms
설화 Seolhwa Folktales
수행 Suhang Buddhist practice
해탈 Haetal Enlightenment

3. The main text in both Korean and English
한국 문학에서 불교의 영향은 매우 깊이 자리잡고 있다.
The influence of Buddhism is deeply rooted in Korean literature.

초기 한국 문학작품 중 많은 부분이 불교 경전의 번역이나 주석이었다.
Many early Korean literary works were translations or commentaries on Buddhist scriptures.

고려시대에는 불교 공안집과 같은 작품들이 유행했다.
During the Goryeo Dynasty, works like collections of Zen Buddhist riddles became popular.

이성계에 의해 조선이 건국된 후에도 불교 문학은 계속 발전했다.
Even after the establishment of the Joseon Dynasty by Yi Seong-gye, Buddhist literature continued to flourish.

승려들은 한국 문학의 주요 기여자들이었으며, 그들의 작품에는 불교 사상과 가르침이 녹아있었다.
Buddhist monks were major contributors to Korean literature, and their works were infused with Buddhist philosophies and teachings.

화엄경과 반야심경과 같은 주요 경전들은 한국 문학에 큰 영향을 미쳤다.
Major Buddhist scriptures like the Avatamsaka Sutra and the Heart Sutra had a significant influence on Korean literature.

삼국유사와 같은 역사서에는 불교와 관련된 설화와 이야기들이 포함되어 있다.
Historical works like the Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms included folktales and stories related to Buddhism.

불교 문학작품들은 종종 수행과 해탈을 주제로 다루었다.
Buddhist literary works often explored themes of spiritual practice and enlightenment.

시간이 지남에 따라 불교 문학은 한국 문화의 일부가 되었다.
Over time, Buddhist literature became an integral part of Korean culture.

오늘날에도 불교 사상은 한국 문학에 지속적인 영향을 미치고 있다.
Even today, Buddhist philosophies continue to influence Korean literature.

4. Reading comprehension questions
1. What was the role of Buddhist monks in Korean literature?
2. Name two major Buddhist scriptures that influenced Korean literature.
3. What themes were commonly explored in Buddhist literary works?
4. How did historical works like the Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms incorporate Buddhist elements?
5. Explain the lasting impact of Buddhism on Korean literature.

5. Cultural and historical notes
The influence of Buddhism on Korean literature is deeply rooted in history. As Buddhism spread throughout the Korean peninsula, it became a dominant cultural force, shaping various aspects of society, including literature. Buddhist monks played a crucial role in the development of Korean literature, translating and commenting on sacred texts, as well as producing original literary works.