1. Introduction to the text
Hwang Sok-yong is one of the most celebrated and influential Korean novelists of the modern era. His works have not only captivated readers with their compelling narratives but have also provided a profound exploration of the human condition, social issues, and the tumultuous history of Korea. This reading material delves into the life and literary achievements of Hwang Sok-yong, offering insights into his literary style, major works, and the impact he has had on Korean literature.
2. Vocabulary
Korean Word | Romanization | English Meaning |
소설가 | soseolgga | novelist |
문학 | munhak | literature |
작품 | jakpum | work, piece |
인간성 | inganseng | humanity |
사회문제 | sahoemunjae | social issue |
역사 | yeoksa | history |
유형화 | yuhyeonghwa | imprisonment |
민주화 | minjuhwa | democratization |
상징 | sangjeung | symbol |
고뇌 | gonoe | agony, anguish |
저항 | jeohang | resistance |
현실 | hyeonsil | reality |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
황석영은 20세기 후반 한국 문학계를 대표하는 소설가 중 한 명입니다.
Hwang Sok-yong is one of the prominent novelists who represented the Korean literary scene in the latter half of the 20th century.
그의 작품들은 한국 사회의 역사적 격변과 인간의 내면 고뇌를 섬세하게 다루었습니다.
His works delicately explored the historical upheavals of Korean society and the inner anguish of human beings.
1964년에 발표한 첫 작품 ‘계절의 문’으로 주목받기 시작했고, 이후 ‘난장이가 쏘아올린 작은 공’과 ‘태아가 있는 골짜기’와 같은 작품들을 통해 명성을 쌓았습니다.
He gained attention with his debut work ‘The Door to the Season’ in 1964, and later built his reputation through works such as ‘The Dwarf’s Pebble’ and ‘The Valley with a Fetus.’
그의 작품들은 종종 한국 현대사의 상처와 민주화 운동의 상징으로 여겨졌습니다.
His works were often regarded as symbols of the wounds of modern Korean history and the democratization movement.
1980년대에는 군사 정권에 의해 유형화되기도 했지만, 그는 계속해서 저항 정신을 작품에 담아냈습니다.
In the 1980s, he was imprisoned by the military regime, but he continued to infuse his works with a spirit of resistance.