1. Introduction to the text
The Korean War, which lasted from 1950 to 1953, was a pivotal event in Korean history that had a profound impact on the country’s political, social, and economic landscape. This conflict, often referred to as the “Forgotten War,” not only divided the Korean peninsula into two distinct nations but also left a lasting legacy that continues to shape the region’s dynamics to this day.
2. Vocabulary
Korean Word | Romanization | English Meaning |
한국전쟁 | hanguk jeonjaeng | Korean War |
분단 | bundan | division |
휴전 | hyujeон | armistice |
난민 | nanmin | refugee |
재건 | jaegeon | reconstruction |
이념 | iныon | ideology |
유엔군 | yuengungn | UN forces |
인민군 | inmingun | People’s Army |
전쟁포로 | jeonjaengporo | prisoner of war |
전후 | jeонhu | post-war |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
한국전쟁은 1950년 6월 25일 북한의 남침으로 시작되었습니다.
The Korean War began on June 25, 1950, when North Korea invaded South Korea.
이 전쟁은 한반도를 공산주의 북한과 자본주의 남한으로 분단시켰습니다.
This war divided the Korean peninsula into the communist North Korea and the capitalist South Korea.
전쟁은 3년 동안 계속되었고, 수백만 명의 민간인과 군인이 목숨을 잃었습니다.
The war lasted for three years, and millions of civilians and soldiers lost their lives.
1953년 7월 27일, 유엔군과 북한, 중국군 사이에 휴전협정이 체결되었습니다.
On July 27, 1953, an armistice agreement was signed between the UN forces and the North Korean and Chinese armies.
휴전 이후, 한국은 전후 재건과 경제 발전에 주력했습니다.
After the armistice, South Korea focused on post-war reconstruction and economic development.
그러나 분단과 이념 대결은 계속되었고, 한반도에는 긴장 상태가 지속되었습니다.
However, the division and ideological confrontation continued, and tensions persisted on the Korean peninsula.
전쟁은 수많은 난민을 발생시켰고, 가족들이 헤어지게 되었습니다.
The war caused numerous refugees and separated families.
전쟁포로 문제와 납치 문제 등 해결되지 않은 과제들이 남아 있습니다.
Unresolved issues, such as the prisoner of war and abduction cases, still remain.
한국전쟁의 상처는 아직도 한국 사회에 깊이 남아 있습니다.
The scars of the Korean War still run deep in Korean society.
그러나 한국은 전후 재건을 통해 눈부신 경제 성장을 이루었습니다.
However, through post-war reconstruction, South Korea achieved remarkable economic growth.
4. Reading comprehension questions
1) When did the Korean War begin, and what were the opposing sides?
2) What was the outcome of the Korean War, and how did it impact the Korean peninsula?
3) Explain the significance of the armistice agreement signed in 1953.
4) What were some of the lasting consequences of the Korean War for the Korean people?
5) Despite the challenges, how did South Korea progress after the war?
5. Cultural and historical notes
The Korean War was a pivotal event that shaped modern Korean history and had a profound impact on the country’s cultural and societal fabric. The division of the peninsula along ideological lines created a lasting rift that continues to influence the region’s geopolitical dynamics.