1. Introduction to the text
The Dano Festival, also known as the Surignal or Surit’gnal, is one of the most significant traditional festivals in Korea. Celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, this festival has its roots in ancient agrarian customs and marks the beginning of the summer season. It is a joyous celebration of the summer harvest and a time for families and communities to gather and engage in various festive activities.
2. Vocabulary
Korean Word | Romanization | English Meaning |
단오 | Dano | The Dano Festival |
수릿날 | Surit’gnal | Another name for the Dano Festival |
농경 | Nonggyeong | Agriculture |
수확 | Suhwak | Harvest |
전통 | Jeontong | Tradition |
풍습 | Pungsum | Custom |
씨름 | Ssireum | Traditional Korean wrestling |
그네 | Geurine | Swing |
창포물들이기 | Changpomulddeurigi | Dyeing with calamus roots |
수리취떡 | Surichut’tteok | Rice cake with mugwort leaves |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
단오는 한국의 대표적인 전통 축제 중 하나입니다. This is one of the most representative traditional festivals in Korea.
이 축제는 음력 5월 5일에 열리며, 농경 사회에서 유래했습니다. This festival is held on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month and has its origins in an agrarian society.
단오는 여름 수확을 축하하고 가족과 지역 사회가 모여 다양한 활동을 즐기는 날입니다. Dano is a day to celebrate the summer harvest and for families and communities to gather and enjoy various activities.
전통적으로 단오에는 씨름, 그네타기, 창포물들이기 등의 행사가 열립니다. Traditionally, events such as Korean wrestling (ssireum), swing riding, and dyeing with calamus roots take place during Dano.
단오 때 사람들은 수리취떡을 만들어 먹습니다. 이 떡은 잡곡과 수리취 잎으로 만들어져 건강에 좋다고 여겨집니다. During Dano, people make and eat surichut’tteok, a rice cake made with various grains and mugwort leaves, believed to be beneficial for health.
과거에는 단오를 기념하여 궁중에서 특별한 의식이 열렸습니다. In the past, special ceremonies were held in the royal court to commemorate Dano.
현대에는 단오 축제가 전국 곳곳에서 열리며, 전통 문화 체험과 공연이 펼쳐집니다. In modern times, Dano festivals are held across the country, featuring traditional cultural experiences and performances.
단오는 한국인들에게 중요한 의미를 지니고 있으며, 전통 문화를 계승하고 가족 간의 유대감을 강화하는 기회가 됩니다. Dano holds significant meaning for Koreans, serving as an opportunity to preserve traditional culture and strengthen family bonds.
4. Reading comprehension questions
1. 단오는 언제 열리는가? When is the Dano Festival celebrated?
2. 단오 축제의 유래는 무엇인가? What are the origins of the Dano Festival?
3. 단오 때 열리는 전통 활동 중 두 가지를 언급하시오. Mention two traditional activities that take place during Dano.
4. 수리취떡은 무엇으로 만들어지며, 어떤 의미가 있는가? What is surichut’tteok made of, and what is its significance?
5. 현대에 단오 축제는 어떻게 기념되고 있는가? How is the Dano Festival celebrated in modern times?
5. Cultural and historical notes
The Dano Festival has its roots in ancient agrarian customs and was originally celebrated to pray for a bountiful harvest and the well-being of the community. It was also a time for people to take a break from their agricultural work and engage in various recreational activities.