1. Introduction to the text
Chuseok, also known as the Korean Thanksgiving Day, is one of the most significant and widely celebrated traditional festivals in Korea. This annual harvest festival is deeply rooted in the country’s agricultural past and is an occasion for families to gather, pay respect to their ancestors, and express gratitude for the year’s bountiful harvest.
2. Vocabulary
Korean Word | Romanization | English Meaning |
추석 | Chuseok | Autumn Eve |
송편 | Songpyeon | Rice cake |
차례 | Charye | Ancestral rites |
제사 | Jesa | Ritual offering |
성묘 | Seongmyo | Visiting ancestral graves |
한가위 | Hangawi | Mid-Autumn Festival |
가족 | Gajok | Family |
전통 | Jeontong | Tradition |
풍습 | Pungsup | Custom |
감사 | Gamsah | Gratitude |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
추석은 한국의 가장 중요한 전통 명절 중 하나입니다.
Chuseok is one of the most important traditional Korean holidays.
이 축제는 가족들이 모여 조상들에게 감사를 표하고 한해의 수확을 기념합니다.
This festival is a time for families to gather, express gratitude to their ancestors, and celebrate the year’s harvest.
추석 당일에는 가족들이 모여 차례를 지내고 조상들의 묘소를 방문합니다.
On Chuseok day, families gather to perform ancestral rites (charye) and visit their ancestors’ graves.
차례는 조상들께 제물을 올리고 그들의 은혜에 감사하는 의식입니다.
The charye ritual involves offering food to the ancestors and expressing gratitude for their blessings.
성묘 때는 묘소를 정성스럽게 손질하고 조상들께 인사를 드립니다.
During seongmyo, families clean and tidy the gravesites and pay respects to their ancestors.
추석 명절에는 전통 음식인 송편과 과일, 술 등을 차례상에 올립니다.
Traditional foods like songpyeon (rice cakes), fruits, and alcoholic beverages are placed on the charye table during Chuseok.
한가위라고도 불리는 추석은 가족 간의 화합과 단합을 상징합니다.
Chuseok, also known as Hangawi (Mid-Autumn Festival), symbolizes family harmony and unity.
이 시기에는 가족들이 모여 전통 놀이와 활동을 즐기며 시간을 보냅니다.
During this time, families gather to enjoy traditional games and activities together.
추석은 한국인들에게 가족 유대와 전통 계승의 중요성을 일깨워줍니다.
Chuseok reminds Koreans of the importance of family bonds and preserving traditions.
이 명절은 농업 문화에 깊이 뿌리를 두고 있으며, 수확에 대한 감사와 자연의 순환을 기념합니다.
This festival is deeply rooted in agricultural culture, celebrating gratitude for the harvest and the cycle of nature.
4. Reading comprehension questions
1. What is the main purpose of the Chuseok festival?
2. Explain the significance of the charye ritual during Chuseok.
3. What traditional foods are typically served during the Chuseok celebrations?
4. How does Chuseok symbolize family harmony and unity?
5. Why is Chuseok considered an important festival for preserving Korean traditions?
5. Cultural and historical notes
Chuseok has its roots in ancient Korean agrarian culture, where people celebrated the autumn harvest and paid respect to their ancestors who worked the land. The festival’s rituals and traditions have evolved over centuries, reflecting the deep-seated values of filial piety, gratitude, and harmony with nature in Korean society.