1. Introduction to the text
Baseball has a rich history in Korea, tracing its roots back to the late 19th century when it was introduced by American missionaries. Over time, it has evolved from a mere recreational activity to a beloved national sport, capturing the hearts and minds of millions of Koreans. The game’s popularity has transcended cultural boundaries, becoming an integral part of Korean society and a source of national pride.
2. Vocabulary
Korean Word | Romanization | English Meaning |
야구 | yagoo | baseball |
국민스포츠 | gungminseupocheu | national pastime |
프로야구 | peurogoo | professional baseball |
선수 | seonsu | player |
경기 | gyeonggi | game |
팬 | phaen | fan |
야구장 | yagujang | baseball stadium |
응원 | eungwon | cheering |
전통 | jeontong | tradition |
열정 | yeoljeong | passion |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
야구는 한국에서 가장 인기 있는 스포츠 중 하나입니다.
Baseball is one of the most popular sports in Korea.
그 역사는 19세기 후반 미국 선교사들에 의해 한국에 소개되었을 때부터 시작됩니다.
Its history dates back to the late 19th century when it was introduced to Korea by American missionaries.
초기에는 단순한 레크리에이션 활동으로 시작되었지만, 시간이 지남에 따라 국민들의 사랑을 받게 되었습니다.
Initially, it began as a simple recreational activity, but over time, it gained the love of the nation.
1982년 프로야구 리그가 창설되면서 야구는 한국 스포츠계의 중심에 섰습니다.
With the establishment of the professional baseball league in 1982, baseball became the centerpiece of the Korean sports scene.
현재 10개 구단이 활약하고 있으며, 매 시즌 수백만 명의 팬들이 경기장을 가득 메웁니다.
Currently, 10 teams are active, and millions of fans fill the stadiums every season.
야구 경기는 단순한 스포츠 이벤트 이상의 의미를 지닙니다. 그것은 한국인의 정신과 문화를 반영하는 국민적 축제입니다.
A baseball game is more than just a sporting event. It is a national celebration that reflects the spirit and culture of Koreans.
팬들은 열정적으로 응원하며, 전통 응원가와 박수 갈채로 경기장을 가득 채웁니다.
Fans cheer passionately, filling the stadiums with traditional chants and thunderous applause.
선수들은 국가를 대표하는 자부심을 갖고 경기에 임하며, 팬들의 성원에 힘입어 최선을 다합니다.
Players take pride in representing their nation and give their all, fueled by the support of their fans.
야구는 한국 사회에 깊이 뿌리내리고 있으며, 가족과 친구들이 함께 모여 즐기는 문화적 전통이 되었습니다.
Baseball has deeply rooted itself in Korean society, becoming a cultural tradition where families and friends gather to enjoy the game together.
세대를 거쳐 계승되어 온 이 스포츠는 한국인의 삶과 밀접하게 연관되어 있습니다.
Passed down through generations, this sport is closely intertwined with the lives of Koreans.
4. Reading comprehension questions
1. When was professional baseball first introduced in Korea?
2. How many teams currently compete in the Korean professional baseball league?
3. What cultural aspects are associated with baseball games in Korea?
4. Why is baseball considered more than just a sport in Korean society?
5. How has baseball evolved from its beginnings in Korea?
5. Cultural and historical notes
Baseball’s rise in Korea is a testament to the nation’s ability to embrace and adapt foreign cultural elements into its own unique traditions. While introduced by American missionaries, the sport has been wholeheartedly adopted and transformed into a source of national pride and cultural identity.