1. Introduction to the text
In South Korea, the university entrance exam, known as the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT), holds immense significance in the education system and society. This high-stakes exam has played a pivotal role in shaping the academic landscape and cultural values of the nation for decades. The intense competition and societal emphasis on academic excellence have made the CSAT a defining moment in the lives of Korean students.
2. Vocabulary
Korean | Romanization | English |
대학수학능력시험 | Daehag-suhaengnyeog-siheum | College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) |
입시 | Ipsi | University entrance exam |
사교육 | Sagyoyuk | Private tutoring |
명문대학 | Myeongmun-daehag | Prestigious university |
성적 | Seongjjeog | Grades |
과외 | Gwawoe | Private tutoring |
수능 | Suneung | Abbreviation for CSAT |
경쟁 | Gyeongjeong | Competition |
입시열기 | Ipsi-yeolgi | University entrance exam fever |
가정형편 | Gajeonghyeongbyeon | Family circumstances |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
한국에서 대학수학능력시험(CSAT)은 학생들의 미래를 결정하는 중요한 시험으로 여겨진다.
In South Korea, the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) is regarded as a crucial exam that determines students’ futures.
이 시험의 결과는 학생들이 어떤 대학에 진학할 수 있는지를 결정하기 때문에, 많은 가정에서 자녀의 성공을 위해 엄청난 노력을 기울인다.
Since the results of this exam determine which university students can attend, many families make tremendous efforts for their children’s success.
학생들은 수능 준비를 위해 수년간 사교육과 과외를 받으며, 이는 가정 형편에 따라 큰 부담이 될 수 있다.
Students receive private tutoring and attend cram schools for years to prepare for the CSAT, which can be a significant financial burden depending on family circumstances.
명문대학에 입학하는 것은 한국 사회에서 성공의 상징으로 여겨지며, 이로 인해 입시 경쟁이 매우 치열해졌다.
Gaining admission to prestigious universities is considered a symbol of success in Korean society, leading to intense competition in the university entrance exam process.
일부 학생들은 수능 준비로 인한 스트레스와 압박감으로 인해 정신적, 육체적 건강 문제를 겪기도 한다.
Some students experience mental and physical health issues due to the stress and pressure associated with CSAT preparation.
4. Reading comprehension questions
1. 한국에서 대학수학능력시험(CSAT)이 중요한 이유는 무엇인가?
What is the reason for the importance of the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) in South Korea?
2. 학생들이 수능 준비를 위해 어떤 노력을 기울이는가?
What efforts do students make to prepare for the CSAT?
3. 명문대학에 입학하는 것이 한국 사회에서 어떤 의미를 갖는가?
What does gaining admission to prestigious universities signify in Korean society?
4. 수능 준비로 인한 스트레스와 압박감이 학생들에게 어떤 영향을 미칠 수 있는가?
How can the stress and pressure associated with CSAT preparation affect students?
5. 입시 경쟁이 치열해진 이유는 무엇인가?
What is the reason behind the intense competition in the university entrance exam process?
5. Cultural and historical notes
The significance of the CSAT in Korean society stems from the deeply rooted Confucian values that emphasize education and academic achievement. Historically, the civil service examination system during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1897) played a crucial role in selecting government officials based on academic merit, establishing a strong tradition of respect for education and scholarly pursuits.