1. Introduction to the text
Chuseok, also known as the Korean Thanksgiving, is one of the most significant traditional festivals celebrated in Korea. It is a harvest festival that honors the abundance of the autumn crop and pays respect to ancestors. With its roots dating back to ancient times, Chuseok holds immense cultural and historical significance, reflecting the importance of agriculture and filial piety in Korean society.
2. Vocabulary
Korean Word | Romanization | English Meaning |
추석 | Chuseok | Korean Thanksgiving |
가족 | Gajok | Family |
송편 | Songpyeon | Rice cake |
차례 | Charye | Ancestral rite |
제사 | Jesa | Ancestral memorial service |
추수 | Chusu | Harvest |
전통 | Jeontong | Tradition |
민속 | Minsok | Folk custom |
유래 | Yurae | Origin |
풍습 | Pungsup | Custom |
3. The main text in both Korean and English
추석은 한국의 가장 중요한 명절 중 하나입니다.
Chuseok is one of the most important traditional holidays in Korea.
이 명절은 가족들이 모여 조상들에게 감사하며 풍작을 축하하는 날입니다.
This holiday is a time for families to gather, give thanks to their ancestors, and celebrate a bountiful harvest.
추석 당일에는 가족들이 모여 차례를 지내며 조상들의 은혜에 감사드립니다.
On Chuseok day, families come together to perform ancestral rites, expressing gratitude to their ancestors.
차례 후에는 송편과 같은 전통 음식을 나누어 먹으며 가족 간의 정을 나눕니다.
After the rites, they share traditional foods like songpyeon (rice cakes) and enjoy quality time together.
추석은 오랜 역사를 가지고 있으며, 농경 사회에서 비롯된 전통적인 축제입니다.
Chuseok has a long history and is a traditional festival rooted in the agricultural society.
과거에는 추수 후 농민들이 수확물을 조상들께 바치며 풍년을 기원했습니다.
In the past, farmers offered their harvested crops to their ancestors, praying for a bountiful year.
현대에 이르러서도 추석은 여전히 중요한 의미를 지니고 있습니다.
Even in modern times, Chuseok remains an important celebration.
도시 생활을 하는 사람들도 고향을 방문하여 가족과 함께 명절을 보냅니다.
People living in cities often return to their hometowns to spend the holiday with their families.
추석 기간 동안에는 전통 민속 행사와 놀이 문화가 펼쳐집니다.
During the Chuseok period, traditional folk events and games are held.
강강술래, 그네뛰기, 제기차기 등 다양한 전통 민속 놀이가 즐겨집니다.
Popular traditional folk games include ganggangsullae (a circle dance), swing riding, and jegichagi (a traditional Korean footbag game).
4. Reading comprehension questions
1. What is the main purpose of celebrating Chuseok?
2. Describe the typical activities and rituals performed during Chuseok.
3. How has the significance of Chuseok evolved from its agricultural roots to modern times?
4. What are some examples of traditional folk games and events associated with Chuseok?
5. Why is it important for Koreans to gather with their families during Chuseok?
5. Cultural and historical notes
Chuseok has its roots in ancient agrarian societies when people celebrated the autumn harvest and paid respect to their ancestors. The festival’s origins can be traced back to the Three Kingdoms period (57 BC – 935 AD), with records showing that rituals were performed to honor ancestors and deities during the harvest season.